
This DHU aims to develop an integrated approach to the management of cardiovascular, renal and respiratory diseases, from prevention, early detection, treatment of acute and chronic complications, and management of late phases, up to organ transplantation. For that purpose, clinicians and staffs from four university hospitals, basic scientists and epidemiologists, from 5 research units, all within the perimeter of University Paris Diderot and supported by the Hospitals, University and Inserm, have decided to join forces to build a comprehensive and integrated center for clinical management, research and education regarding chronic diseases related to fibrosis, inflammation and remodelling, from children to adults.

This highly original structure overcomes the frequent split between medical subspecialties, hospitals, and research areas, leveraging common pathophysiological processes to various diseases to generate pluridisciplinarity while optimizing the use of limited ressources. It aims to increase the competitivity of clinical, translational and basic research by the creative use of large patient cohorts and will offer a unique portal for collaboration between academic centers and industry.

This DHU has several strengths:

1) the core of the DHU is located in one large academic site: Hôpital Bichat, gathering in a single site the resources needed to build efficient and competitive translational research, and the entire DHU is on one academic campus: Paris Diderot University, with all clinical, academic and research groups in close vicinity.

2) the previous and ongoing collaboration between clinical and research groups.

3) the trans-disciplinary nature of the DHU which will help clinical and research groups tackle new issues (as such, the project has a transforming nature).

4) the internationally recognized clinical expertise of the participating clinical sites, several of which are international leaders in their field.

5) the existence of established large clinical cohorts and associated biobanks.